
Semaphore is a responsive web UI for running Ansible playbooks, Terraform/OpenTofu and Pulumi code.

Semaphore is written in pure Go and available for Windows, macOS and Linux (x64, ARM, ARM64). Semaphore is an open-source project with concise and high-quality code.

Semaphore supports the following databases:

  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • BoltDB – embedded key/value database

With Semaphore you can:

  • Build, deploy and rollback
  • Group playbooks to projects
  • Manage environments, inventories, repositories and access keys
  • Run playbooks from the browser. Responsive UI allows the use of Semaphore on mobile devices
  • Run playbooks by schedule
  • View detailed logs of any playbook runs, at any time
  • Delegate other users the running of playbooks
  • Get notifications about playbook runs

Source code:

Issue tracking:



Contact: [email protected]


You can install Semaphore in 4 ways:

See also:


To install Semaphore via snap, run following command in terminal:

sudo snap install semaphore

Semaphore will be available by URL https://localhost:3000.

But to log in, you should create an admin user. Use the following commands:

sudo snap stop semaphore

sudo semaphore user add --admin \
--login john \
--name=John \
[email protected] \

sudo snap start semaphore

You can check the status of the Semaphore service using the following command:

sudo snap services semaphore

It should print the following table:

Service               Startup  Current  Notes
semaphore.semaphored  enabled  active   -

After installation, you can set up Semaphore via Snap Configuration. Use the following command to see your Semaphore configuration:

sudo snap get semaphore

List of available options you can find in Configuration options reference.

Package manager

{% hint style="info" %} Python, Ansible and Git should be installed on your system. {% endhint %}

Look into the manual installation on how to set-up your Python/Ansible/Systemd environment!

Download package file from Releases page.

*.deb for Debian and Ubuntu, *.rpm for CentOS and RedHat.

Here are several installation commands, depending on the package manager:


sudo dpkg -i semaphore_2.10.22_linux_amd64.deb

Setup Semaphore by using the following command:

semaphore setup

Now you can run Semaphore:

semaphore server --config=./config.json

Semaphore will be available via this URL https://localhost:3000.


Create a docker-compose.yml file with following content:

  # uncomment this section and comment out the mysql section to use postgres instead of mysql
    #restart: unless-stopped
    #image: postgres:14
    #hostname: postgres
    #  - semaphore-postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data
    #  POSTGRES_USER: semaphore
    #  POSTGRES_PASSWORD: semaphore
    #  POSTGRES_DB: semaphore
  # if you wish to use postgres, comment the mysql service section below 
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: mysql:8.0
    hostname: mysql
      - semaphore-mysql:/var/lib/mysql
      MYSQL_DATABASE: semaphore
      MYSQL_USER: semaphore
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: semaphore
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 3000:3000
    image: semaphoreui/semaphore:latest
      SEMAPHORE_DB_USER: semaphore
      SEMAPHORE_DB_PASS: semaphore
      SEMAPHORE_DB_HOST: mysql # for postgres, change to: postgres
      SEMAPHORE_DB_PORT: 3306 # change to 5432 for postgres
      SEMAPHORE_DB_DIALECT: mysql # for postgres, change to: postgres
      SEMAPHORE_DB: semaphore
      SEMAPHORE_PLAYBOOK_PATH: /tmp/semaphore/
      SEMAPHORE_ADMIN_EMAIL: admin@localhost
      SEMAPHORE_ADMIN: admin
      SEMAPHORE_LDAP_ACTIVATED: 'no' # if you wish to use ldap, set to: 'yes' 
      SEMAPHORE_LDAP_DN_BIND: 'uid=bind_user,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=local,dc=shiftsystems,dc=net'
      SEMAPHORE_LDAP_PASSWORD: 'ldap_bind_account_password'
      SEMAPHORE_LDAP_DN_SEARCH: 'dc=local,dc=example,dc=com'
      SEMAPHORE_LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER: "(\u0026(uid=%s)(memberOf=cn=ipausers,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=local,dc=example,dc=com))"
      TZ: UTC
      - mysql # for postgres, change to: postgres
  semaphore-mysql: # to use postgres, switch to: semaphore-postgres

You must specify following confidential variables:

  • MYSQL_PASSWORD and SEMAPHORE_DB_PASS — password for the MySQL user.
  • SEMAPHORE_ADMIN_PASSWORD — password for the Semaphore's admin user.
  • SEMAPHORE_ACCESS_KEY_ENCRYPTION — key for encrypting access keys in database. It must be generated by using the following command: head -c32 /dev/urandom | base64.

Run the following command to start Semaphore with configured database (MySQL or Postgres):

docker-compose up

Semaphore will be available via the following URL http://localhost:3000.

For more information about the Docker Compose, see the Docker Compose reference.

Installing Additional Python Packages

Some Ansible modules and roles require additional python packages to run. To install additional python packages, create a requirements.txt file and mount it in the /etc/semaphore directory on the container. For example, you could add the following lines to your docker-compose.yml file:

  - /path/to/requirements.txt:/etc/semaphore/requirements.txt

The packages specified in the requirements file will be installed when the container starts up.

For more information about Python requirements files, see the Pip Requirements File Format reference

Binary file

Python, Ansible and Git should be installed on your system.

Look into the manual installation on how to set-up your Python/Ansible/Systemd environment!

Download the *.tar.gz for your platform from Releases page. Unpack it and setup Semaphore using the following commands:


tar xf semaphore_2.10.22_linux_amd64.tar.gz

./semaphore setup

Now you can run Semaphore:

./semaphore server --config=./config.json

Semaphore will be available via the following URL https://localhost:3000.

Run as a service

For more detailed information — look into the extended Systemd service documentation.

If you installed Semaphore via a package manager, or by downloading a binary file, you should create the Semaphore service manually.

Create the systemd service file:

Replace /path/to/semaphore and /path/to/config.json to your semaphore and config file path.
sudo cat > /etc/systemd/system/semaphore.service <<EOF
Description=Semaphore Ansible

ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
ExecStart=/path/to/semaphore server --config=/path/to/config.json


Start the Semaphore service:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start semaphore

Check the Semaphore service status:

sudo systemctl status semaphore

To make the Semaphore service auto start:

sudo systemctl enable semaphore

Manually installing Semaphore


This documentation goes into the details on how to set-up Semaphore when using these installation methods:

The Semaphore software-package is just a part of the whole system needed to successfully run Ansible with it.

The Python3- and Ansible-Execution-Environment are also very important!

NOTE: There are existing Ansible-Galaxy Roles that handle this setup-logic for you or can be used as a base-template for your own Ansible Role!

Service User

Semaphore does not need to be run as user root - so you shouldn't.

Benefits of using a service user:

  • Has its own user-config
  • Has its own environment
  • Processes easily identifiable
  • Gained system security

You can create a system user either manually by using adduser or using the ansible.builtin.user module.

In this documentation we will assume:

  • the service user creates is named semaphore
  • it has the shell /bin/bash set
  • its home directory is /home/semaphore


If the Ansible execution of Semaphore is failing - you will need to troubleshoot it in the context of the service user.

You have multiple options to do so:

  • Change your whole shell session to be in the user's context:

    sudo su --login semaphore
  • Run a single command in the user's context:

    sudo --login -u semaphore <command>


Ansible is build using the Python3 programming language.

So its clean setup is essential for Ansible to work correctly.

First - make sure the packages python3 and python3-pip are installed on your system!

You have multiple options to install required Python modules:

  • Installing them in the service user's context
  • Installing them in a service-specific Virtual Environment


Either way - it is recommended to use a requirements.txt file to specify the modules that need to be installed.

We will assume the file /home/semaphore/requirements.txt is used.

Here is an example of its content:

# for common jinja-filters
# for common modules

NOTE: You should also update those requirements from time to time!

An option for doing this automatically is also shown in the service example below.

Modules in user context


sudo --login -u semaphore python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade -r /home/semaphore/requirements.txt

Using Ansible:

- name: Install requirements
    requirements: '/home/semaphore/requirements.txt'
    extra_args: '--user --upgrade'
  become_user: 'semaphore'

Modules in a virtualenv

We will assume the virtualenv is created at /home/semaphore/venv

Make sure the virtual environment is activated inside the Service! This is also shown in the service example below.


sudo su --login semaphore
python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
python3 -m vitualenv /home/semaphore/venv
# activate the context of the virtual environment
source /home/semaphore/venv/bin/activate
# verify we are using python3 from inside the venv
which python3
> /home/semaphore/venv/bin/python3
python3 -m pip install --upgrade -r /home/semaphore/requirements.txt
# disable the context to the virtual environment

Using Ansible:

- name: Create virtual environment and install requirements into it
    requirements: '/home/semaphore/requirements.txt'
    virtualenv: '/home/semaphore/venv'
    state: present  # or 'latest' to upgrade the requirements


If you encounter Python3 issues when using a virtual environment, you will need to change into its context to troubleshoot them:

sudo su --login semaphore
source /home/semaphore/venv/bin/activate
# verify we are using python3 from inside the venv
which python3
> /home/semaphore/venv/bin/python3

# troubleshooting


Sometimes a virtual environment also breaks on system upgrades. If this happens you might just remove the existing one and re-create it.

Ansible Collections & Roles

You might want to pre-install Ansible modules and roles, so they don't need to be installed every time a task runs!


It is recommended to use a requirements.yml file to specify the modules that need to be installed.

We will assume the file /home/semaphore/requirements.yml is used.

Here is an example of its content:


  - 'namespace.collection'
  # for common collections:
  - 'community.general'
  - 'ansible.posix'
  - 'community.mysql'
  - 'community.crypto'

  - src: 'namespace.role'

See also: Installing Collections, Installing Roles

NOTE: You should also update those requirements from time to time!

An option for doing this automatically is also shown in the service example below.

Install in user-context


sudo su --login semaphore
ansible-galaxy collection install --upgrade -r /home/semaphore/requirements.yml
ansible-galaxy role install --force -r /home/semaphore/requirements.yml

Install when using a virtualenv


sudo su --login semaphore
source /home/semaphore/venv/bin/activate
# verify we are using python3 from inside the venv
which python3
> /home/semaphore/venv/bin/python3

ansible-galaxy collection install --upgrade -r /home/semaphore/requirements.yml
ansible-galaxy role install --force -r /home/semaphore/requirements.yml


Reverse Proxy

See: Security - Encrypted connection

Extended Systemd Service

Here is the basic template of the systemd service.

Add additional settings under their [PART]


Description=Semaphore UI

ExecStart=/usr/bin/semaphore server --config /etc/semaphore/config.json
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID


Service user


Python Modules

In user-context

# to auto-upgrade python modules at service startup
ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'python3 -m pip install --upgrade --user -r /home/semaphore/requirements.txt'

# so the executables are found
# set the correct python path. You can get the correct path with: python3 -c "import site; print(site.USER_SITE)" 

In virtualenv

# to auto-upgrade python modules at service startup
ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'source /home/semaphore/venv/bin/activate \
                           && python3 -m pip install --upgrade -r /home/semaphore/requirements.txt'

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'source /home/semaphore/venv/bin/activate \
                        && /usr/bin/semaphore server --config /etc/semaphore/config.json'

Ansible Collections & Roles

If using Python3 in user-context

# to auto-upgrade ansible collections and roles at service startup
ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'ansible-galaxy collection install --upgrade -r /home/semaphore/requirements.yml'
ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'ansible-galaxy role install --force -r /home/semaphore/requirements.yml'

If using Python3 in virtualenv

# to auto-upgrade ansible collections and roles at service startup
ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'source /home/semaphore/venv/bin/activate \
                           && ansible-galaxy collection install --upgrade -r /home/semaphore/requirements.yml \
                           && ansible-galaxy role install --force -r /home/semaphore/requirements.yml'

Other use-cases

Using local MariaDB


Using local Nginx


Sending logs to syslog


Full Examples

Python Modules in user-context

Description=Semaphore UI


ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'ansible-galaxy collection install --upgrade -r /home/semaphore/requirements.yml'
ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'ansible-galaxy role install --force -r /home/semaphore/requirements.yml'
ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'python3 -m pip install --upgrade --user -r /home/semaphore/requirements.txt'

ExecStart=/usr/bin/semaphore server --config /etc/semaphore/config.json
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID


Python Modules in virtualenv

Description=Semaphore UI


ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'source /home/semaphore/venv/bin/activate \
                           && python3 -m pip install --upgrade -r /home/semaphore/requirements.txt'
ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'source /home/semaphore/venv/bin/activate \
                           && ansible-galaxy collection install --upgrade -r /home/semaphore/requirements.yml \
                           && ansible-galaxy role install --force -r /home/semaphore/requirements.yml'

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'source /home/semaphore/venv/bin/activate \
                        && /usr/bin/semaphore server --config /etc/semaphore/config.json'
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID



If you have a custom system language set - you might run into problems that can be resoled by updating the associated environmental variables:



If there is a problem while executing a task it might be an environmental issue with your setup - not an issue with Semaphore itself!

Please go through these steps to verify if the issue occurs outside Semaphore:

  • Change into the context of the user:

    sudo su --login semaphore
  • Change into the context of the virtualenv if you use one:

    source /home/semaphore/venv/bin/activate
    # verify we are using python3 from inside the venv
    which python3
    > /home/semaphore/venv/bin/python3
    # troubleshooting
  • Run the Ansible Playbook manually

    • If it fails => there is an issue with your environment
    • If it works:
      • Re-check your configuration inside Semaphore
      • It might be an issue with Semaphore


There are 3 ways to configure Semaphore:

Snap configuration

Snap configurations should be used for when Semaphore was installed via Snap.

To see a list of available options, use the following command:

sudo snap get semaphore

You can change each of these configurations. For example if you want to change Semaphore port, use following command:

sudo snap set semaphore port=4444

Don't forget to restart Semaphore after changing a configuration:

sudo snap restart semaphore

Interactive setup

Use this option for first time configuration (not working for Semaphore installed via Snap).

semaphore setup

Configuration file

Semaphore uses a config.json configuration file with following content:

  "bolt": {
    "host": "/home/ubuntu/semaphore.bolt"
  "mysql": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "user": "root",
    "pass": "*****",
    "name": "semaphore",
    "options": {}
  "postgres": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "user": "postgres",
    "pass": "*****",
    "name": "semaphore",
    "options": {}
  "dialect": "postgres",
  "port": "",
  "interface": "",
  "tmp_path": "/tmp/semaphore",
  "cookie_hash": "*****",
  "cookie_encryption": "*****",
  "access_key_encryption": "*****",
  "email_sender": "",
  "email_host": "",
  "email_port": "",
  "web_host": "",
  "ldap_binddn": "",
  "ldap_bindpassword": "",
  "ldap_server": "",
  "ldap_searchdn": "",
  "ldap_searchfilter": "",
  "ldap_mappings": {
    "dn": "",
    "mail": "",
    "uid": "",
    "cn": ""
  "telegram_chat": "",
  "telegram_token": "",
  "concurrency_mode": "",
  "max_parallel_tasks": 0,
  "email_alert": false,
  "telegram_alert": false,
  "slack_alert": false,
  "slack_url": "",
  "rocketchat_alert": false,
  "rocketchat_url": "",
  "ldap_enable": false,
  "ldap_needtls": false

Configuration options

Configuration fileSnap configurationDescription—Path to the BoltDB database file
mysql.hostmysql.hostMySQL database host
mysql.namemysql.nameMySQL database (schema) name
mysql.usermysql.userMySQL user name
mysql.passmysql.passMySQL user's password
postgres.hostpostgres.hostPostgres database host
postgres.namepostgres.namePostgres database (schema) name
postgres.userpostgres.userPostgres user name
postgres.passpostgres.passPostgres user's password
dialectdialectCan be mysql, postgres or bolt
portportTCP port on which the web interface will be available. Default: 3000
interfaceinterfaceUseful if your server has multiple network interfaces
tmp_path—Path to directory where cloned repositories and generated files are stored. Default: /tmp/semaphore
access_key_encryptionaccess-key-encryptionSecret key used for encrypting access keys in database. Read more in Database encryption reference.
web_hostweb-hostCan be useful if you want to use Semaphore by the subpath, for example: Do not add a trailing /.
slack_alertslack-alertSet to True to enable pushing alerts to slack. It should be used in combination with slack_url
slack_urlslack-urlThe slack webhook url. Semaphore will used it to POST Slack formatted json alerts to the provided url.
rocketchat_alertrocketchat-alertSet to True to enable pushing alerts to Rocket.Chat. It should be used in combination with rocketchat_url. Available since v2.9.56.
rocketchat_urlrocketchat-urlThe rocketchat webhook url. Semaphore will used it to POST Rocket.Chat formatted json alerts to the provided url. Available since v2.9.56.
concurrency_modeconcurrency-modeCan be unset/empty or project or node. When set to project, tasks will run in parallel if and only if they do not share the same project id, with no regard to the nodes/hosts that are affected. When set to node, a task will run in parallel if and only if the hosts affected by tasks already running does not intersect with the hosts that would be affected by the task in question. If concurrency_mode is not specified or left empty, no task will start before the previous one has finished.
max_parallel_tasksmax-parallel-tasksMax allowed parallel tasks if concurrency-mode is enabled. Can also be set/changed within the Web UI (project settings).
oidc_providers Static BadgeOpenID provider settings. You can provide multiple OpenID providers. More about OpenID configuration read in OpenID.
password_login_disable Static BadgeDisable login with using password. Only LDAP and OpenID.
non_admin_can_create_project Static BadgeAllow non-admin users to create new projects.

Public URL

If you use nginx or other web server before Semaphore, you should provide configuration option web_host.

For example you configured NGINX on the server which proxies queries to Semaphore.

Server address and you proxies all queries to Semaphore.

Your web_host will be


There are 4 ways for upgrading Semaphore:

  • Snap
  • Package manager
  • Docker
  • Binary


Use the following command for upgrading Semaphore to the latest stable version:

sudo snap refresh semaphore

Package manager

Download a package file from Releases page.

*.deb for Debian and Ubuntu, *.rpm for CentOS and RedHat.

Install it using the package manager.


sudo dpkg -i semaphore_2.10.22_linux_amd64.deb


Coming soon


Download a *.tar.gz for your platform from Releases page. Unpack the binary to the directory where your old Semaphore binary is located.


tar xf semaphore_2.10.22_linux_amd64.tar.gz


Database encryption

Sensitive data is stored in the database, in an encrypted form. You should set the configuration option access_key_encryption in configuration file to enable Access Keys encryption. It must be generated by command:

head -c32 /dev/urandom | base64

Encrypted connection

For security reasons, Semaphore should not be used over unencrypted HTTP!

Why use encrypted connections? See: Article

Options you have:

  • VPN
  • Reverse Proxy with SSL


You can use a Client-to-Site VPN, that terminates on the Semaphore server, to encrypt & secure the connection.

Reverse Proxy with SSL

Semaphore doesn't support SSL/TLS on its own.

You need to use a reverse proxy like NGINX / Apache / HAProxy in front of Semaphore to serve secure connections.


Configuration example:

server {
  listen 443 ssl;
  server_name  _;

  # add Strict-Transport-Security to prevent man in the middle attacks
  add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000" always;

  # SSL
  ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/cert/cert.pem;
  ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/cert/privkey.pem;

  # Recommendations from 
  ssl_protocols TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
  ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
  ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;

  # required to avoid HTTP 411: see Issue #1486 
  # (
  chunked_transfer_encoding on;

  location / {
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

    proxy_buffering off;
    proxy_request_buffering off;

  location /api/ws {
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
    proxy_set_header Origin "";


<VirtualHost *:443>

    ServerName yourapp.test

    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile /path/to/www_yoursite_com.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/www_yoursite_com.key

    <Location />

    <Location /api/ws>
        ProxyPass ws://


If you want to use any other reverse proxy - make sure to also forward websocket connections on the /api/ws route!


{% hint style="info" %} For Semaphore installed via Snap you should use sudo for using CLI. This is completely safe because Semaphore works in a strict mode. {% endhint %}


semaphore version

Interactive setup

Use this option for first time configuration.

{% hint style="info" %}

Do not use this command for Semaphore installed via Snap. Use Snap Configuration instead.
semaphore setup

User management

Using CLI you can add, remove or change user.

semaphore user --help

How to add admin user

semaphore user add --admin --login newAdmin --email [email protected] --name "New Admin" --password "New$Password"

How to change user password

semaphore user change-by-login --login myAdmin --password "New$Password"

Vault management

You can reencrypt your secrets in database with using following command:

semaphore vault rekey --old-key <encryption-key-which-used-before>

Your data will be decryped using <encryption-key-which-used-before> and will be encrypted using option access_key_encryption from configuration key.

LDAP configuration

Configuration file contains the following LDAP parameters:

  "ldap_binddn": "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org",
  "ldap_bindpassword": "admin_password",
  "ldap_server": "localhost:389",
  "ldap_searchdn": "ou=users,dc=example,dc=org",
  "ldap_searchfilter": "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%s))",
  "ldap_mappings": {
    "dn": "",
    "mail": "uid",
    "uid": "uid",
    "cn": "cn"
  "ldap_enable": true,
  "ldap_needtls": false,

All SSO provider options:

ParameterEnvironment VariablesDescription
ldap_bindpasswordSEMAPHORE_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORDPassword of LDAP user which used as Bind DN.
ldap_serverSEMAPHORE_LDAP_SERVERLDAP server host including port. For example: localhost:389.
ldap_searchdnSEMAPHORE_LDAP_SEARCH_DNScope where users will be searched. For example: ou=users,dc=example,dc=org.
ldap_searchfilterSEMAPHORE_LDAP_SEARCH_FILTERUsers search expression. Default: (&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%s)), where %s will replaced to entered login.
ldap_mappings.mailSEMAPHORE_LDAP_MAPPING_MAILUser email claim expression*.
ldap_mappings.uidSEMAPHORE_LDAP_MAPPING_UIDUser login claim expression*.
ldap_mappings.cnSEMAPHORE_LDAP_MAPPING_CNUser name claim expression*.
ldap_needtlsSEMAPHORE_LDAP_NEEDTLSConnect to LDAP server by SSL.

*Claim expression

Example of claim expression:

email | {{ .username }}

Semaphore is attempting to claim the email field first. If it is empty, the expression following it is executed.

{% hint style="info" %} The expression "username_claim": "|" generates a random username for each user who logs in through the provider. {% endhint %}


Use ldapwhoami tool to check if your BindDN works:

  -H ldap://\
  -D "CN=your_ldap_binddn_value_in_config"\

It will ask interactively for the password, and should return code 0 and echo out the DN as specified.

{% hint style="info" %} Please read Troubleshooting section if you have issues with LDAP. {% endhint %}

Example: Using OpenLDAP Server

Run the following command to start your own LDAP server with an admin account and an additional user:

docker run -d --name openldap \
  -p 1389:1389 \
  -p 1636:1636 \
  -e LDAP_USERS=user1 \
  -e LDAP_ROOT=dc=example,dc=org \
  -e LDAP_ADMIN_DN=cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org \

Your LDAP configuration for Semaphore UI should be as follows:

	"ldap_binddn": "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org",
	"ldap_bindpassword": "pwd",
	"ldap_server": "",
	"ldap_searchdn": "dc=example,dc=org",
	"ldap_searchfilter": "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%s))",
	"ldap_mappings": {
		"mail": "{{ .cn }}",
		"uid": "|",
		"cn": "cn"
	"ldap_enable": true,
	"ldap_needtls": false

To run Semaphore in Docker, use the following LDAP configuration:

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name semaphore \
  -e SEMAPHORE_ADMIN=admin \
  -e SEMAPHORE_ADMIN_EMAIL=admin@localhost \
  -e \
  -e SEMAPHORE_LDAP_BIND_DN=cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org \
  -e SEMAPHORE_LDAP_SEARCH_DN=dc=example,dc=org \
  -e 'SEMAPHORE_LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER=(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%s))' \


Semaphore supports authentication via OpenID Connect (OIDC).


Example of SSO provider configuration:

  "oidc_providers": {
    "mysso": {
      "display_name": "Sign in with MySSO",
      "color": "orange",
      "icon": "login",
      "provider_url": "",
      "client_id": "***",
      "client_secret": "***",
      "redirect_url": ""

All SSO provider options:

display_nameProvider name which displayed on Login screen.
iconMDI-icon which displayed before of provider name on Login screen.
colorProvider name which displayed on Login screen.
client_idProvider client ID.
client_id_fileThe path to the file where the provider's client ID is stored. Has less priorty then client_id.
client_secretProvider client Secret.
client_secret_fileThe path to the file where the provider's client secret is stored. Has less priorty then client_secret.
username_claimUsername claim expression*.
email_claimEmail claim expression*.
name_claimProfile Name claim expression*.
orderPosition of the provider button on the Sign in screen.

*Claim expression

Example of claim expression:

email | {{ .username }}

Semaphore is attempting to claim the email field first. If it is empty, the expression following it is executed.

{% hint style="info" %} The expression "username_claim": "|" generates a random username for each user who logs in through the provider. {% endhint %}

Sign in screen

For each of the configured providers, an additional login button is added to the login page:

Screenshot of the Semaphore login page, with two login buttons. One says "Sign In", the other says "Sign in with MySSO"


  "oidc_providers": {
		"github": {
			"icon": "github",
			"display_name": "Sign in with GitHub",
			"client_id": "***",
			"client_secret": "***",
			"redirect_url": "",
			"endpoint": {
				"auth": "",
				"token": "",
				"userinfo": ""
			"scopes": ["read:user", "user:email"],
			"username_claim": "|",
			"email_claim": "email | {{ .id }}",
			"name_claim": "name",
			"order": 1


  "oidc_providers": {
		"google": {
			"color": "blue",
			"icon": "google",
			"display_name": "Sign in with Google",
			"provider_url": "",
			"client_id": "***",
			"client_secret": "GOCSPX-***",
			"redirect_url": "",
			"username_claim": "|",
			"name_claim": "name",
			"order": 2


  "oidc_providers": {
		"gitlab": {
			"display_name": "Sign in with GitLab",
			"color": "orange",
			"icon": "gitlab",
			"provider_url": "",
			"client_id": "***",
			"client_secret": "gloas-***",
			"redirect_url": "",
			"username_claim": "|",
			"order": 3

Tutorial in Semaphore UI blog: GitLab authentication in Semaphore UI.

Authelia config.yaml:

    - id: semaphore
      description: Semaphore
      secret: 'your_secret'
      public: false
      authorization_policy: two_factor
        - openid
        - profile
        - email
      userinfo_signing_algorithm: none

Semaphore config.json:

"oidc_providers":  {
    "authelia": {
        "display_name": "Authelia",
        "provider_url": "",
        "client_id": "semaphore",
        "client_secret": "your_secret",
        "redirect_url": ""


  "oidc_providers": {
		"authentik": {
			"display_name": "Sign in with Authentik",
			"provider_url": "",
			"client_id": "***",
			"client_secret": "***",
			"redirect_url": "",
			"scopes": ["openid", "profile", "email"],
			"username_claim": "preferred_username",
			"name_claim": "preferred_username"

Discussion on GitHub: #1663.


  "oidc_providers": {
    "keycloak": {
      "display_name": "Sign in with keycloak",
      "provider_url": "",
      "client_id": "***",
      "client_secret": "***",
      "redirect_url": ""


  "oidc_providers": {
    "okta": {
      "display_name":"Sign in with Okta",


API documentation

Full API documentation is available in API reference.

How to use the Semaphore API

Login to Semaphore (password should be escaped, slashy\\pass instead of slashy\pass e.g.):

curl -v -c /tmp/semaphore-cookie -XPOST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{"auth": "YOUR_LOGIN", "password": "YOUR_PASSWORD"}' \

Get a user tokens:

curl -v -b /tmp/semaphore-cookie \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \

Generate a new token, and get the new token:

curl -v -b /tmp/semaphore-cookie -XPOST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \

curl -v -b /tmp/semaphore-cookie \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \

The command should return something similar to:


Use this token for launching a task or anything else:

curl -v -XPOST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
-d '{"template_id": 1}' \

Expire a token:

curl -v -XDELETE \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' \


Semaphore supports build and deploy tasks.

Semaphore passes semaphore_vars variable to each Ansible playbook which it runs.

You can use it in your Ansible tasks to get what type of task was run, which version should be build or deployed, who ran the task, etc.

Example of semaphore_vars for build tasks:

        type: build
        username: user123
        message: New version of some feature
        target_version: 1.5.33

Example of semaphore_vars for deploy tasks:

        type: deploy
        username: user123
        message: Deploy new feature to servers
        incoming_version: 1.5.33


This type of task is used to create artifacts. Each build task has autogenerated version. You should use variable semaphore_vars.task_details.target_version in your Ansible playbook to get what version of the artifact should be created. After the artifact is created, it can be used for deployment.

{% hint style="info" %} Example of build Ansible role:

  1. Get app source code from GitHub
  2. Compile source code
  3. Pack created binary to a tarball with name app-{{semaphore_vars.task_details.target_version}}.tar.gz
  4. Send app-{{semaphore_vars.task_details.target_version}}.tar.gz to an S3 bucket {% endhint %}


This type of task is used to deploy artifacts to destination servers. Each deployment task is associated with the build task. You should use variable semaphore_vars.task_details.incoming_version in your Ansible playbook to get what version of the artifact should be deployed.

{% hint style="info" %} Example of deploy Ansible role:

  1. Download app-{{semaphore_vars.task_details.incoming_version}}.tar.gz from an S3 bucket to destination servers
  2. Unpack app-{{semaphore_vars.task_details.incoming_version}}.tar.gz to destination directory
  3. Create or update configuration files
  4. Restart app service {% endhint %}


Runners enable running tasks on a separate server from Semaphore UI.

Semaphore runners operate on the same principle as GitLab or GitHub Actions runners:

  • You launch a runner on a separate server, specifying the Semaphore server's address and an authentication token.
  • The runner connects to Semaphore and signals its readiness to accept tasks.
  • When a new task appears, Semaphore provides all the necessary information to the runner, which, in turn, clones the repository and runs Ansible, Terraform, PowerShell, etc.
  • The runner sends the task execution results back to Semaphore.

For end users, working with Semaphore with or without runners appears the same.

Using runners offers the following advantages:

  • Executing tasks more securely. For instance, a runner can be located within a closed subnet or isolated docker container.
  • Distributing the workload across multiple servers. You can start multiple runners, and tasks will be randomly distributed among them.

Set up

To set up the server for working with running you should add following option to your Semaphore server configuration:

  "use_remote_runner": true

To set up the runner, use the following command:

semaphore runner setup --config /path/to/your/config/file.json

This command will create a configuration file at /path/to/your/config/file.json.

But before using this command, you need to understand how runners are registered on the server.

Registering the Runner on the Server

There are two ways to register a runner on the Semaphore server:

  1. Add it via the web interface.
  2. Use the command line with the semaphore runner register command.

Adding the Runner via the Web Interface

Registering via CLI

To register a runner this way, you need to add the runner_registration_token option to your Semaphore server's configuration file. This option should be set to an arbitrary string. Choose a sufficiently complex string to avoid security issues.

When the semaphore runner setup command asks if you have a Runner token, answer No. Then use the following command to register the runner:

semaphore runner register --config /path/to/your/config/file.json


echo REGISTRATION_TOKEN | semaphore runner register --stdin-registration-token --config /path/to/your/config/file.json

Configuration File

As a result of running the semaphore runner setup command, a configuration file like the following will be created:

  "tmp_path": "/tmp/semaphore",
  "web_host": "https://semaphore_server_host",

  // Here you can provide other settings, for example: git_client, ssh_config_path, etc.
  // ...
  // Runner specific options
  "runner": {

    "token_file": "path/to/the/file/where/runner/saves/token"

    // Here you can provide other runner-specific options, 
    // which will be used for runner registration, for example: 
    // max_parallel_tasks, webhook, one_off, etc.
    // ...

You can manually edit this file without needing to call semaphore runner setup again.

To re-register the runner, you can use the semaphore runner register command. This will overwrite the token in the file specified in the configuration.

Running the Runner

Now you can start the runner with the command:

semaphore runner --config /path/to/your/config/file.json

Your runner is ready to execute tasks ;)

Runner unregistaration

You can remove runner using the web interfance.

Or unregister runner via CLI:

semaphore runner unregister --config /path/to/your/config/file.json


Use the HTTPS protocol for communication between the server and the runner, especially if they are not on the same private network.


Renner prints error 404

How to fix

Getting 401 error code from Runner

Gathering Facts issue for localhost

The issue can occur on Semaphore UI installed via Snap or Docker.

4:10:16 PM
TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
4:10:17 PM
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => changed=false

Why this happens

For more information about localhost use in Ansible, read this article Implicit 'localhost'.

Ansible tries to gather facts locally, but Ansible is located in a limited isolated container which doesn't allow this.

How to fix this

There are two ways:

  1. Disable facts gathering:
- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
    - ...
  1. Explicitly set the connection type to ssh:
[localhost] ansible_connection=ssh ansible_ssh_user=your_localhost_user

panic: pq: SSL is not enabled on the server

This means that your Postgres doesn't work by SSL.

How to fix this

Add option sslmode=disable to the configuration file:

	"postgres": {
		"host": "localhost",
		"user": "pastgres",
		"pass": "pwd",
		"name": "semaphore",
		"options": {
			"sslmode": "disable"

fatal: bad numeric config value '0' for 'GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT': invalid unit

This means that you are trying to access a repository over HTTPS that requires authentication.

How to fix this

  • Go to Key Store screen.
  • Create a new key Login with password type.
  • Specify your login for GitHub/BitBucket/etc.
  • Specify the password. You can't use your account password for GitHub/BitBucket, you should use a Personal Access Token (PAT) instead of it. Read more here.
  • After creating the key, go to the Repositories screen, find your repository and specify the key.

unable to read LDAP response packet: unexpected EOF

Most likely, you are trying to connect to the LDAP server using an insecure method, although it expects a secure connection (via TLS).

How to fix this

Enable TLS in your config.json file:

"ldap_needtls": true

LDAP Result Code 49 "Invalid Credentials"

You have the wrong password or binddn.

How to fix this

Use ldapwhoami tool and check if your binddn works:

  -H ldap://\
  -D "CN=/your/ldap_binddn/value/in/config/file"\

It will ask interactively for the password and should return code 0 and echo out the DN as specified.

You also can read the following articles:

LDAP Result Code 32 "No Such Object"

Coming soon.


A project is a place to separate management activity.

All Semaphore activities occur within the context of a project.

Projects are independent from one another, so you can use them to organize unrelated systems within a single Semaphore installation.

This can be useful for managing different teams, infrastructures, environments or applications.

Task Templates

Templates define how to run an Ansible Playbook. The template allows you to specify the following parameters:

  • Playbook repository
  • Playbook filename
  • Inventory
  • Environment
  • Vault password file
  • Extra CLI arguments
  • and much more

The task template can be one of the following types:


Just runs specified playbooks with specified parameters.


This type of template should be used to create artifacts. The start version of the artifact can be specified in a template parameter. Each run increments the artifact version.

Semaphore doesn't support artifacts out-of-box, it only provides task versioning. You should implement the artifact creation yourself. Read the article CI/CD to know how to do this.


This type of template should be used to deploy artifacts to the destination servers. Each deploy template is associated with a build template.

This allows you to deploy a specific version of the artifact to the servers.


You can set up task scheduling by specifying a cron schedule in the template settings. Cron expression format you can find in documentation.

Run a task when a new commit is added to the repository

You can use cron to periodically check for new commits in the repository and trigger a task upon their arrival.

For example you have source code of the app in the git repository. You can add it to Repositories and trigger the Build task for new commits.

Terraform Template

Using Semaphore UI you can run Terraform code. To do this, you need to create a Terraform Code Template.

  1. Go go Task Templates section and click the New Template button.

  1. Set up the template and click the Create button.

  1. You can now run your Terraform code.

Bash Template

Using Semaphore UI you can run Bash scripts. To do this, you need to create a Bash Script Template.

  1. Go go Task Templates section and click the New Template button.

  1. Set up the template and click the Create button.

  1. You can now run your Bash script.


A task is an instance of launching an Ansible playbook. You can create the task from Task Template by clicking the button Run/Build/Deploy for the required template.

The Deploy task type allows you to specify a version of the build associated with the task. By default, it is the latest build version.

When the task is running, or it has finished, you can see the task status and the running log.

Key Store

The Key Store in Semaphore is used to store credentials for accessing remote Repositories, accessing remote hosts, sudo credentials, and Ansible vault passwords.

It is helpful to have configured all required access keys before setting up other resources like Inventories, Repositories, and tasks templates so you do not have to edit them later.



SSH Keys are used to access remote servers as well as remote Repositories.

If you need assistance quickly generating a key and placing it on your host, here is a quick guide.

For Git Repositories that use SSH authentication, the Git Repository you are trying to clone from needs to have your public key associated to the private key.

Below are links to the docs for some common Git Repositories:

Login With Password

Login With Password is a username and password/access token combination that can be used to do the following:

  • Authenticate to remote hosts (although this is less secure than using SSH keys)
  • Sudo credentials on remote hosts
  • Authenticate to remote Git Repositories over HTTPS (although SSH is more secure)
  • Unlock Ansible vaults
This type of secret can be used as Personal Access Token (PAT) or secret string. Simply leave the Login field empty.


This is used as a filler for Repos that do not require authentication, like an Open-Source Repository on GitLab.


An Inventory is a file that contains a list of hosts Ansible will run plays against. An Inventory also stores variables that can be used by playbooks. An Inventory can be stored in YAML, JSON, or TOML. More information about Inventories can be found in the Ansible Documentation.

Semaphore UI can either read an Inventory from a file on the server that the Semaphore user has read access to, or a static Inventory that is edited via the web GUI. Each Inventory also has at least one credential tied to it. The user credential is required, and is what Ansible uses to log into hosts for that Inventory. Sudo credentials are used for escalating privileges on that host. It is required to have a user credential that is either a username with a login, or SSH configured in the Key Store to create an Inventory. Information about credentials can be found in the Key Store section of this site.

Creating an Inventory

  1. Click on the Key Store tab and confirm you have a key that is a login_password or ssh type
  2. Click on the Inventory tab and click New Inventory
  3. Name the Inventory and select the correct user credential from the dropdown. Select the correct sudo credential, if needed
  4. Select the Inventory type
  • If you select file, use the absolute path to the file. If this file is located in your git repo, then use relative path. Ex. inventory/linux-hosts.yaml
  • If you select static, paste in or type your Inventory into the form
  1. Click Create.

Updating an Inventory

  1. Click on the Inventory tab
  2. Click the Pencil Icon next to the Inventory you want to edit
  3. Make your changes
  4. Click Save

Deleting an Inventory

Before you remove an Inventory, you must remove all resources tied to it. If you are not sure which resources are being used in an environment, follow steps 1 and 2 below. It will show you which resources are being used, with links to those resources.

  1. Click on the Inventory tab
  2. Click the trash can icon next to the Inventory
  3. Click Yes if you are sure you want to remove the Inventory


The Environment section of Semaphore is a place to store additional variables for an inventory and must be stored in JSON format. All task templates require an environment to be defined even if it is empty.

Create an Environment

  1. Click on the Environment tab.
  2. Click on the New Environment button.
  3. Name the Environment and type or paste in valid JSON variables. If you just need an empty Environment type in {}.

Updating an Environment

  1. Click on the Environment tab.
  2. Click the pencil icon.
  3. Make changes and click save.

Deleting the Environment

Before you remove an Environment, you must remove all resources tied to it. If you are not sure which resources are being used in an environment, follow steps 1 and 2 below. It will show you which resources are being used, with links to those resources.

  1. Click on the Environment.
  2. Click the trash can icon next to the Environment.
  3. Click Yes if you are sure you want to remove the environment.


A Repository is a place to store and manage Ansible content like playbooks and roles.

Semaphore understands Repositories that are:

  • a local file system (/path/to/the/repo)
  • a local Git repository (file://)
  • a remote Git Repository that is accessed over HTTPS (https://), SSH(ssh://)
  • git:// protocol supported, but it is not recommended for security reasons.

All Task Templates require a Repository in order to run.


If you are using a remote Repository that requires authentication, you will need to configure a key in the Key Store section of Semaphore.

For remote Repositories that use SSH, you will need to use your SSH key in the Key Store.

For Remote Repositories that do not have authentication, you can create a Key with the type of None.

Creating a New Repository

  1. Make sure you have configured the key for the Repository you are about to add in the key store section.
  2. Go to the Repositories section of Semaphore, click the New Repository button in the upper right hand corner.
  3. Configure the Repository:
  • Name Repository
  • Add the URL. The URL must start with the following:
    • /path/to/the/repo for a local folder on the file system
    • https:// for a remote Git Repository accessed over HTTPS
    • ssh:// for a remote Git Repository accessed over SSH
    • file:// for a local Git Repository
    • git:// for a remote Git Repository accessed over Git protocol
  • Set the branch of the Repository, if you are not sure what it should be, it is probably master or main
  • Select the Access Key you configured prior to setting up this Repository.
  1. Click Save once everything is configured.

Editing an Existing Repository

  1. Go to the Repositories section of Semaphore.
  2. Click on the pencil icon next to the Repository you wish to change, then you will be presented with the Repository configuration.

Deleting a Repository

Make sure the Repository that is about to be delete is not in use by any Task Templates. A Repository cannot be deleted if it is used in any Task Templates:

  1. Go to the Repositories section of Semaphore.
  2. Click on the trash can icon on of the Repository you wish to delete.
  3. Click Yes on the confirmation pop-up if you are sure you want this Repository to be deleted.

You can use a Bitbucket Access Token in Semaphore to access repositories from Bitbucket.

First, you need to create an Access Token for your Bitbucket repository with read access permissions.

After creation, you will see the access token. Copy it to your clipboard as it will be required for creating an Access Key in Semaphore.

  1. Go to to the Key Store section in Semaphore and click the New Key button.

  2. Choose Login with password as the type of key.

  3. Enter x-token-auth as Login and paste the previously copied key into the Password field. Save the key.

  4. Go to the Repositories section and click the New Repository button.

  5. Enter HTTPS URL of the repository (, enter correct branch and select previously created Access Key.


Integrations allow establishing interaction between Semaphore and external services, such as GitHub and GitLab.

Using integration, you can trigger a specific template by calling a special endpoint (alias), for which you can configure one of the following authentication methods:

  • GitHub Webhooks
  • Token
  • HMAC
  • No authentication

The alias represents a URL in the following format: /api/integrations/<random_string>. Supports GET and POST requests.


With matchers, you can define parameters of the incoming request. When these parameters match, the template will be invoked.

Value Extractors

With an extractor, you can extract the necessary data from the incoming request and pass it to the task as environment variables.