
Renner prints error 404

How to fix

Getting 401 error code from Runner

Gathering Facts issue for localhost

The issue can occur on Semaphore UI installed via Snap or Docker.

4:10:16 PM
TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
4:10:17 PM
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => changed=false

Why this happens

For more information about localhost use in Ansible, read this article Implicit 'localhost'.

Ansible tries to gather facts locally, but Ansible is located in a limited isolated container which doesn't allow this.

How to fix this

There are two ways:

  1. Disable facts gathering:
- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
    - ...
  1. Explicitly set the connection type to ssh:
[localhost] ansible_connection=ssh ansible_ssh_user=your_localhost_user

panic: pq: SSL is not enabled on the server

This means that your Postgres doesn't work by SSL.

How to fix this

Add option sslmode=disable to the configuration file:

	"postgres": {
		"host": "localhost",
		"user": "pastgres",
		"pass": "pwd",
		"name": "semaphore",
		"options": {
			"sslmode": "disable"

fatal: bad numeric config value '0' for 'GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT': invalid unit

This means that you are trying to access a repository over HTTPS that requires authentication.

How to fix this

  • Go to Key Store screen.
  • Create a new key Login with password type.
  • Specify your login for GitHub/BitBucket/etc.
  • Specify the password. You can't use your account password for GitHub/BitBucket, you should use a Personal Access Token (PAT) instead of it. Read more here.
  • After creating the key, go to the Repositories screen, find your repository and specify the key.

unable to read LDAP response packet: unexpected EOF

Most likely, you are trying to connect to the LDAP server using an insecure method, although it expects a secure connection (via TLS).

How to fix this

Enable TLS in your config.json file:

"ldap_needtls": true

LDAP Result Code 49 "Invalid Credentials"

You have the wrong password or binddn.

How to fix this

Use ldapwhoami tool and check if your binddn works:

  -H ldap://\
  -D "CN=/your/ldap_binddn/value/in/config/file"\

It will ask interactively for the password and should return code 0 and echo out the DN as specified.

You also can read the following articles:

LDAP Result Code 32 "No Such Object"

Coming soon.