{% hint style="info" %} For Semaphore installed via Snap you should use sudo for using CLI. This is completely safe because Semaphore works in a strict mode. {% endhint %}


semaphore version

Interactive setup

Use this option for first time configuration.

{% hint style="info" %}

Do not use this command for Semaphore installed via Snap. Use Snap Configuration instead.
semaphore setup

User management

Using CLI you can add, remove or change user.

semaphore user --help

How to add admin user

semaphore user add --admin --login newAdmin --email [email protected] --name "New Admin" --password "New$Password"

How to change user password

semaphore user change-by-login --login myAdmin --password "New$Password"

Vault management

You can reencrypt your secrets in database with using following command:

semaphore vault rekey --old-key <encryption-key-which-used-before>

Your data will be decryped using <encryption-key-which-used-before> and will be encrypted using option access_key_encryption from configuration key.